Dental Lab Blog

McTech Dental lab is dedicated to advancing your level of dental restorative understanding as best we can from a fixed dental laboratory perspective. On our blog you'll learn the how and why our team uses to create excellent crown and bridge and implant restorations.

Modus Operandi Part 1: Etching

Ryan McKee

eMax Restoration

I decided to post up some artsy in-proccess shots I've been hiding. Here is a couple photos that many in dentistry will recognize. Mark is performing the final touch to a Lithium disilicate restoration, IPS e.max Press by Ivoclar. At McTech we etch every e.max crown before delivery. We use the IPS Ceramic Etching Gel and follow Ivoclar's instructions.

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Part 2: What is a Philosophy of Collaboration? A philosophical question.

Ryan McKee

I hope that the following can serve to clear up the cloudy nature of philosophy into a relevant definition to restorative dentistry. However, as is the nature of philosophy, analogies, models, and comparisons being in order that may at times feel like tangents. I will try my best to be concise as to how I see things.

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A Philosophy of Collaboration

Ryan McKee

William Mayo

William Worrall Mayo, M.D. (1819-1911)

Courtesy of Mayo Clinic

“As we men of medicine grow in learning we more justly appreciate our dependence upon each other. The sum total of medical knowledge is now so great and wide spreading that it would be futile for any one man…to assume that he has even a working knowledge of any large part of the whole. The very necessities of the case are driving practitioners into cooperation. The best interest of the patient is the only interest to be considered, and in order that the sick may have the benefit of advancing knowledge, union of forces is necessary”

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